leslielegalwv.com - Leslie & Mason Law | Serving WV

Description: Leslie Mason Law provides client-centric legal services throughout the Mountain State. Wanting individuals and businesses to thrive in West Virginia, the firm delivers success not only relying on experience and grit, but also the flexibility to meet clients where they are.

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Example domain paragraphs

Leslie and Mason Law, PLLC, produces client-centric results throughout the Mountain State by our grit and resolve. Providing experience in legal areas that you need the most, trust to provide quality service and the flexibility to your needs.

Leslie and Mason primarily practice in the areas you need the most including real estate law, criminal defense law, estate planning and probate, family law, oil and gas law, and personal injury. Clients can expect quality service and personal attention to each matter.

Whether providing legal services for real estate transactions, offering title opinions for tax sales or oil & gas interests, defending you against a DUI, drafting wills and trusts, guiding you through an adoption, or taking on an insurance company, Amanda and Tyler will be an advocate for you.