leiningers.com - The Leiningers

Description: An introduction to the Leininger family of South Carolina

christian (10779) bible (6077) religion (3053) david (1479) presbyterian (639) theology (576) dave (399) erin (185) christie (60) chris padgett (1)

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CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE... is what is depicted on the beautiful stained glass pictured above which was hanging in a window when we were living on Hilton Head, but is now framed and back-lit and hanging on our Living Room wall in our new home in Fort Mill, South Carolina. That is the big news for the Leiningers these days - we have moved from the island to the upper reaches of the state to be near daughter Erin and Son-in-Love Chris and their family. Following the move, David is once again a member of Providenc

BOOK SALE!!! Book prices are always too high (at least, according to former seminary students who had to buy them). Fortunately, we can offer at least a little discount from publisher's prices when you purchase online. Click here for more descriptive information about the books, ordering information, and to take advantage of author's discounts on the books available. By the way, David's newest book from last year, The 2,000 Year Old Preacher: 21st century sermons on 1st century texts is still available. It

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