learning-architect.ro - Incepe o calatorie de invatare cu Learning Architect

Description: OmniLearning experiences combining learning channels: live workshops, app and async videos, within our area of expertise: soft skills, leadership, and team engagement

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Currently virtual, soon hybrid - we just call them "live" sessions from anywhere because what makes them different is not the online vs. offline difference, but that they are 100% interactive, experiential and practical. Even in a virtual setting, we guarantee "no silent riders".

Learn ON empowers you to learn on the go. It is an intuitive tool 100% tailored to your learning style (you discover it with the magical OST formula of the 3 learning styles: On-the-Job, Social, Theoretical), your interests (you create your individual learning path), your team (you will be part of a learning community with your peers).

In bite-sized format, you get practical know-how (complex concepts made simple, series of 2-7 minutes videos with expert trainers), tools (that you cannot just find googling) and self-reflection exercises, so that you do not just listen, but have an engaging learning experience.

Links to learning-architect.ro (1)