leanderarchitectural.co.uk - Leander Architectural | Architectural metalwork | Hallsteads Close, Dove Holes, Buxton SK17 8BP, United Kingdom

Description: Leander Architectural is a UK based foundry and leading manufacturer of high quality bespoke architectural metal structures and cast (Aluminium & Bronze) signage, suitable for both exterior and interior applications. We pride ourselves in suppling high quality fingerpost signs, bandstands, bespoke canopies, Porte-cochère, blue plaques, noticeboards, cast signage, memorial plaques, street furniture, gazebos and much more.

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Architectural Metalwork: Manufacturers and designers of high quality fingerpost signs, bandstands, bespoke canopies, Porte-cochère, blue plaques, noticeboards, cast signage, memorial plaques, street furniture, gazebos and much more. We manufacture for Trade and direct (Corporate or Personal) customers alike. Our restoration consultancy is regularly used by local authorities and other bodies looking for advice and assistance – particularly with bandstands, railings and park features.

We have an expanding range of our products available (including Network Rail approved bridge plates) for immediate order/purchase through our web-store (see button in menu above).

Leander Architectural has been the sole official manufacturer of the “Battle’s Over – Beacons of Light” WW1 Commemorative Brazier Beacon. We still manufacture beacons – please contact us for more details.

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