leakdefensesystems.net - Leak Defense System | Water Damage & Leak Protection | Residential & Commercial

Description: The Leak Defense System is the best effective plumbing water leak detector/ detection feat automatic water shut-off valve on the market! Call today 866.410.1134

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Premium-grade solution for residential, multi-family and commercial properties.

Losses from Water Damage Can Be Severe Water damage from hidden leaks can be expensive, inconvenient, and even permanent. The Leak Defense System continuously monitors your properties for hidden leaks and automatically shuts off the water and alerts you if one is detected. Easily control the water flow using the on-site control panel or access it on the go with the mobile app. With multiple ways to monitor, you'll always feel protected against potential loss, expense and hassle from water damage. Our full l

"Without the leak defense system we could have easily incurred tens of thousands of dollars in damages. Instead, it alerted us promptly to the presence of an issue which we found and addressed with no damage at all."