leads2growyourbusiness.com - Genealogy Leads | Best Source For Genealogy Lead Lists

Description: Wanna be a top producer? Wanna sell more products, programs, services, business opportunities? See where many top producers get their genealogy leads. Top producer and income earner shares tips, techniques, super effective marketing strategies to help you grow your business FAST! Best prices on real genealogy leads.

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Remember back in the early days of spam, when those annoying fools would send emails to millions of people, all without any regard to whether or not any of the intended recipients may even be remotely interested in their offers? Their foolish thought process was that  “even if only a small percentage of the people who get my email are interested, I’ll get rich!”  Well, that was wrong back then . And it’s still wrong today . Even though there are still lots of foolish spammers trying to prove those of us who

The reason those enjoying the lifestyle of a top producer are where they are, is because they know what the other  97%  don’t. And that is, you have to share your offer with the right targeted people! Otherwise you’re wasting your time, energy, marketing efforts and money.

Perhaps you’re reading this right now because you’ve listened to the wrong person or people tell you that all you had to do was send your offer to scraped / harvested leads, or general business opportunity seeker leads etc. Well, if you’ve already been down that road then you know it’s a dead end and it doesn’t produce any real results.