- Laura Jessett

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I started having sports massages with Laura just before I started Ironman training, as I was initially experiencing hip pain. Being one of the least flexible people I know, I chose Laura as I was hoping her expertise in both yoga and sports massage would help me stretch and loosen my muscles more. Having appointments on a regular basis has been fantastic throughout my training, all hip pain has gone through various exercises and stretches, as well as now working on all my muscle groups to generally relieve

A highly active sportsman during my school and university days I’ve accumulated a whole bunch of sports injuries over the years and live with tight and highly strung muscles that increasingly flare up as I get older. Sessions with Laura have proved invaluable to relieve tension, stress and improve suppleness and muscle recovery. Laura has the knack: she always finds the source of trouble!

I have been doing yoga 1 on 1 with Laura for about 6 months.  When I started I had pretty bad sciatica from a herniated disc in my lower back.  She managed to tailor the training perfectly to suit my needs, particularly when I was in a lot of pain.  I've kept up the lessons via zoom during lock-down and feel that its been a great benefit both physically and mentally on my well being.  She keeps the lessons enjoyable and coaxes me forward every week.  It is brilliant to feel my strength increasing and to fee