- LASER4FUN – European ESRs Network On Short Pulsed Laser Micro/Nanostructuring Of Surfaces

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European ESRs Network On Short Pulsed Laser Micro/Nanostructuring Of Surfaces

On April 27th, 2022, during a partly on-line session, Melissa Sikosana successfully defended her PhD thesis, titled: ‘ Antimicrobial coatings to maintain drinking water at point-of-us e’ and was awarded the degree of Doctor.

Melissa carried out her work at the Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V , under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Carsten Werner and Dr. Lars Renner . The now Dr. Sikosana was an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) of the Laser4FUN project. The public defense ceremony took place partly on-line at TU Dresden (Germany) and the audience could ‘attend’ the event through a video stream. We congratulate Melissa for this achievement!