- Towards Computational Lexical Semantic Change Detection

Example domain paragraphs

In this project, we aim to find automatic, corpus-based methods for detecting semantic change and lexical replacement for Swedish and English. We investigate the fundamental questions of how, when, and why languages change to allow us to quantify language change and shift lexical typological research from small case studies done on limited data sets to larger scales and over wider time spans using various media types and sources.

Our team is involved in a large research program, Change is Key! around computational semantic change for the humanities and social sciences funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. The program spans six years starting in 2022 with a total of 11 researchers, one research engineer and six partner universities.

The fourth International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change 2023 (LChange’23) will be held in December at EMNLP. Come join us!

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