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Konferencija ‘’Sledeća destinacija Balkan: agroturizam u usponu’’ biće održana u četvrtak i petak 11. i 12. februara 2021. godine u Leskovcu. Domaćin konferencije je Akademija strukovnih studija ‘’Južna Srbija’’ u saradnji sa partnerima iz LANDS projekta. Konferenciju će učesnci moći da prate i online putem aplikacije Google MEET.  Na konferenciji će biti reči o uspešnoj […]

The conference ‘’Next destination Balkana: the rise of agritourism’’ will take place on Thursday and Friday 11-12 February 2021 in Leskovac. It will be hosted by the Academy of professional studies ‘’South Serbia’’ in cooperation with LANDS project partners. Participation in the conference will also be enabled online through the Google MEET link.    The […]

The Academy of Vocational Studies of Southern Serbia – Prokuplje Department, will organize 11/26/2020 in Leskovac in the premises of the local community of the village of Kumarevo, course titled Tasting, presentation and sale of meat products on the farm . The training is intended for both existing actors in agritourism and potential entrepreneurs in […]

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