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Description: Introduction to codependency,welcome page, and useful links.

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Private Policy

    This website is 100% safe and confidential, any information you provide here will not be shared with any third party person or group.  This website  is safe for children.   But parents should always be aware on where your child visits on the internet.  Rules for this website are as follows:  No bad lanuage,  No pornography.  This isn't a dating site and used only for the purpose of self-help, and outreach/support group.  This is a safe place to come to talk  about anything that may be stressing you out

    The materials placed here on my website, blog, live chat, etc. are put here to benefit individual on a self-help, outreach, support and education  purposes during stressful, depressive, and traumatic times of need.  And its purposes are to help save a life or provide a source of support for someone  that are in a real need to turn  to someone  other than themselves.  And to give you a peace of mind knowing that you do have a friend to turn to. This is  a online support group and outreach.  I do not disc