- Lady Freethinker - Ending Cruelty for All Beings

Description: A nonprofit media organization dedicated to creating a compassionate world via petitions, investigations and more to fight animal cruelty and end suffering of all species.

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Lady Freethinker is a voice of compassion working to end cruelty to all sentient beings. Together, we are evolving toward a world where human-caused suffering is a thing of the past.

LFT is working to expose and stop animal cruelty through investigative reporting and other media, citizen petitions, and partnerships with rescuers and activists on the ground worldwide. We believe that by changing the norms and policies that allow cruelty, we can end human-caused suffering of all species — from the dogs and cats we call family to the billions of pigs, chickens and cows suffering on factory farms, to the human animals who need our help. We believe that creating systems that protect us all,

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