- Labrador - Indigenous History

Description: Indigenous History

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Recent What is the Traditional Clothing in America Native American Indian Woman Art Native American Gaming Traditions Being a Native American: Daily Habits to Decolonize Your Life Hawaiians Northern Indian Comanches At different stages of exploration of the North American continent it was inhabited by representatives of different peoples, in the 1st century A.D. even the Vikings came here and founded their settlement, but it did not take root. After Columbus "discovered America," the period of European colo

After conquering the lands of the displacement from their territory of the indigenous population of North America - the Indians, who at the beginning of the European expansion did not even own firearms and were forced under threat of total destruction to cede their lands, the settlers became the masters of the vast areas of the New World, with huge natural potential.

North America is a huge continent that is home to a large number of different peoples, each of which is distinctive and unique, with its own traditions and customs.