- The Kalamazoo Go Club

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We are having an AGA tournament in October! The details for this event are located here: October 1st 2020 Tournament When and Where? The location and day does vary does vary during the course of the year, so please join our mailing list for location announcements. You never pay a thing Not counting any parking fees (when we're playing on WMU's campus), there are no fees associated with this activity. About half the players bring their own equipment and half do not — not by recommendation, simply by happy co

Some clubs do charge a small membership fee, but we do not. We do accept donations, but only a couple people have ever done so. There are some costs associated with AGA licensing and affiliation, but that mostly relates to tournaments and tournament play.

We'd be happy to show you how to play. Showing you how to place stones and what their basic meaning is takes about ten or twenty minutes. Almost everything you need to know (past the basic rules) you'll get from simply playing games. In Go, a stronger player in a fairly even game will probably feel inclined to go over the game and explain what happened and why they think you lost. This is built into the culture of Go.

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