- kynediskoiloil – Kynedi’s KoilOil will continue to blossom

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Product availability is not necessarily having items available 100% of the time but rather having items available when the customer needs it.

As a mother of 4 boys, I have always dreamed of having a little girl and in October 2015 that dream was going to become my reality. I daydreamed about combing her hair, braiding it in cute styles and waking up early just to accessorize her outfits with matching bows and barrettes. I wanted her to mirror my hair from my childhood which was down my back. At the same time my personal braider was complaining about how dry and damaged my hair was from weaves and constant dying. One night while suffering from pre

After creating my oil and using it for about two weeks my braider was in shock on how I got my hair so healthy. My dryness had disappeared! My dandruff had disappeared! My growth was actually noticeable within a two week period, it was insane!!! She (my braider) asked if I could make her a bottle to use on clients and I made a total of four bottles. Within a three month span I went from selling four to twenty bottles a month. I couldn’t have been happier on my creation.