kvaldes.com - Here and There, Now and Then – Wanderings, musings, and knittings with a dollop of food and wine

Description: Wanderings, musings, and knittings with a dollop of food and wine

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Wanderings, musings, and knittings with a dollop of food and wine

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, many of us are isolated in our bunkers and sharing holidays in the ether. One virtual party I was invited to solicited holiday traditions and memories from guests. Fortunately there were so many responses that I did not need to venture past just thinking about it, but think about it I did.

In mentioning this to my husband and fellow shelter-in-place inmate, his response surprised me. The first memory that came to his mind was of my daughter on one Christmas Day. Suffering from pre-adolesence and out of sorts, she was not keen on going to the extended family Christmas gathering that day. Every year she had shared Christmas Day with extended family and returned well fed and laden with gifts, some more welcome than others. There had been a multiple year run with some version of a make-up kit. Si