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I was in Berlin a while back now to put on an exhibition alongside artist friend Rachael Macarthur at the super Scottish bar and venue Das Gift . Berlin was -10 at the time with thick snow but crisp blue skies, always the best time to see it I think. We had some great times skipping around flea markets (check out the 1920s Silent Film Making book I found in this former post)

On our last day our lovely Berlin friends Julia and   Joseph , always with a nose for strange out of the way adventures, took us to Alexandrowka , a colony of Russian style houses in Potsdam in the outskirts of Berlin.  

Consisting of 13 Russian style houses built in 1827, the colony was the wish of the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhem III to house the Russian singers of the First Prussian Regiment of the Guards. The snow really added to the atmosphere and made us feel like we’d stepped into provincial Russia.

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