- Krupchinskiy

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If you are here, then my story is interesting for you. One day I took a step towards the changes and the desire to see a different future. I made the decision to leave the small town where I was living and move to Kyiv. Not having completed one year at the advanced mathematics faculty of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, and finally realizing that mathematical analysis is not my thing, I did what I could never expect from myself - became a hairdresser. It was a difficult path, in which I had to get out of my

Перерву публікації дизайну Адаптований дизайн волосся Безкінечно надихае, робота Layers… . #erteqoob #krupchinskiy1 #haircut #art hair graphics… . 📷 @krupchinsky_photohunter Combo haircut construction for curly hair . 📷 In process 🏴🏴🏴 #erteqoob #erteqoobacademy Show more... Follow 1998 – STARTING THE CAREER Starting the career When the choice of where to study came up, I picked the Institute for Training of Personnel for light industry. Not because I really believed in their teaching material, but because a

My path has always been connected with music, as it is the strongest source of inspiration for me and the brightest ideas came exclusively from the musical direction. Thanks to it I had a chance to work with such artists as Okean Elzy, Onuka, Ivan Dorn, Cepasa. Also, collaborating with the best music video directors had built my understanding of personal investments - in order to achieve results, you have to put in a lot of effort, and only then will the results come. That was my first experience working ou