- KRONOSA – Real-time communication service and blockchain.

Example domain paragraphs

Kronosa project is to build The Sustainable Human Society with a next generation internet service infrastructure for humans to use both the virtual and the real world as their residence and workplace. And this project also helps the individuals and the entities enable to secure the digital-physical asset, business, and privacy by the mechanism of “I Govern, and You Govern, and We Govern”. ​

For this reason, more than 1Million people, which is almost the total population of one city, will enjoy the benefit of the success of this International project, Aloha Project, and indirectly over 100Million people will enjoy in the regional society. 

The unique technology has been implemented by the Kronosa Alliance team, a focus group, the global businessmen, technician and engineers are joining and the people are dwelling to work and live in the world via Kron Technology.

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