- Kristin Miller

Description: Kristin Miller is an artist educator and designer working in South Florida

Example domain paragraphs

Every day we weave (texere = Latin verb for “to weave”) the past, present and future together with thin lines of where one starts and where one story ends. The root word, texere is where we get the words “text” and “textile,” therefore inherently connecting the act of weaving narratives together. This series of paper weavings comprised of cut-up mixed media (watercolor, acrylic, ink, pencil) works explore abstract ideas of the horizon line as a metaphor for the constant presence of time. All works are 32” x

A handmade artist book of days of the nature-based objects of “When Days Were Slow” photography series, 2022. Leather-bound, fabric pages with gouache and sewn found objects.

A collection of summer wanderings in the woods and on the shore. Objects of nature-based memories form still lives of a moment in time when days were slow and children had keen observations of every leaf, air plant and shell along the way. Stories give grace to curiosity and paths unknown.