kosmokleaner.com - Kosmokleaner´s Homepage

Description: Private Homepage von Kosmokleaner, ein Quell nie endenwollender Freude

game (8995) action (3497) spiel (1120) 4k (950) tiles (904) real-time (643) textures (186) texturen (32) space shooter (13) 4kelvin (1)

Example domain paragraphs

18 Jan 2008 - There is a new C++ Snippet a simple efficient and flexible A-Star implementation with Win32 sample application. Another class implements a simple and efficient 2D path finder that works on a 2D grid. 18 Aug 2007 - There is a new C++ Snippet to send emails. 11 Jan 2002 - There is a new C++ Snippet for showing a splash window in your Win32 or MFC project. 20 Nov 2001 - Die Linksammlung wurde um viele neue Links erweitert. 12 Nov 2001 - Die Snippets wurden um eine Subpixel-genaue Linienroutine er