kosminen.fi - Anssi Hautamäki

Description: I am Anssi Hautamäki

Example domain paragraphs

By day, I am a developer of digital things at Roihuan . Come night, I usually transform into a miserable pit of darkness a bearer of puny puns and questionable humour , a music enthusiast and a want-to-be drummer-slash-bass-player-slash-Slash. Except for the leather pants, the Les Paul and the top hat. I don't want to be that.

Music is my everything and my taste buds refined. I do listen to and play most anything. Instrument-wise, I play the guitar, bass and drums; some keys too. I did attend Jokilaaksojen Musiikkiopisto for a year in my teens, during which I passed the 2/3 level exam in pop/jazz guitar. But my interests at the time lay elsewhere, so I quit to pursue more personal preferences in music. I play in several groups like Neondad and Havut .

My interest in all things music has also led me to learn producing and engineering areas of music production. I have a small Apple-based (mobile, if needed) home studio with a crapload of UAD, Genelec, Beyerdynamic, Logic, Ableton, self-built and off-the-shelf mics.