koreahapkidofederation.net - Korea Hapkido Federation-USA

Description: The USA branch of the Korea Hapkido Federation connects schools, Masters and students. KHF is the world's largest solely Hapkido organization.

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Example domain paragraphs

The Korea Hapkido Federation is the largest, solely Hapkido, governing body for the Korean martial art of Hapkido in the world. The Korea Hapkido Federation was created by Korea's top Hapkido masters to spread the art of Hapkido, while maintaining strict standards pertaining to Hapkido techniques and the certification of students, instructors and Masters.  This will insure that Hapkido will be preserved and will grow properly.

Hapkido is a system of unarmed fighting and weapons techniques to defeat both armed and unarmed opponents. Hapkido contains both long and close range fighting techniques, utilizing specialized Hapkido kicks and percussive hand strikes at longer ranges and pressure point strikes, Hapkido joint locks, and or throws at closer fighting distances. Hapkido emphasizes circular motion, breathing techniques, non-resisting movements, and control of the opponent. Hapkido practitioners seek to gain advantage through fo

As a Hapkido student advances through their studies at their chosen Hapkido School (dojang), they will learn how to employ and defend against various weapons. Weapons training usually consists of knife training, short stick, walking cane, rope, long staff and sword.   Hapkido students are trained to use and defend against these weapons and to also defend against common weapons such are firearms, broken bottles etc… Hapkido has long been popular with various special operations military and police organizatio