kompas.co.uk - Kompas London - Architecture of Distinction

Description: Established with the vision to change the way people perceive architecture, Kompas London Ltd provides complete architectural and construction services to its London-based customers. The philosophy that fuels our culture is that a design need not imitate its surroundings in order to fit in. Whether the design is for a new house, an extension, or a loft conversion, each project is unique.

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Kompas London provides complete end-to-end design and build services: architectural planning, designing, building regulations and planning permission, structural engineering, constructing and managing your project.

Book in for a casual, no obligation chat with one of our consultants who can talk you through each process of your project and how best Kompas London can help.

Whether we’re working on small refurbishments or multi-million pound residential projects, our design and building work delights our clients and makes us proud. Our London design and construction team consists of highly qualified architects, engineers, project managers, and on-site specialists / technicians who can confidently design and build your new space.