komedyplast.org - Komedyplast.org | Laughing and Healing around the world

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provides a unique approach to the international care of children afflicted with craniofacial anomalies. Komedy plast conducts surgical missions to Lima, Peru for (a) the treatment of pediatric patients that combines a volunteer surgical team with an entertainment team; (b) the training of local plastic surgeons in Lima, providing them with the necessary skills and techniques to care for their own children; and (c) the development of a craniofacial surgery Center of Excellence to serve as a training and trea

has been established in cooperation with the American Society of Craniofacial Surgery (www.ascfs.org) to provide annual grants for clinical and basic science research that strives to elucidate mechanisms of craniofacial pathogenesis and develop strategies to treat resultant craniofacial anomalies. The 2010 Craniofacial Research Grant Application can be obtained here . The launch of the Komedyplast Craniofacial Research Grant represents a major step forward for Komedyplast, supporting its triad mission of tr

produced and sponsored by the partnership between Komedy plast and Caring Clowns International (CCI) , provides opportunities for children and teenagers to develop an appreciation of the art and magic of clowning by training and performing with the actual CCI troupe of clowns (www.caringclownsinternational.org).