kohls.de - Future of Education PLoPourri | Patterns for reshaping learning and the campus

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Organizer Chris Kohls

Abstract The last 2 ½ years have shown that teaching is largely possible digitally. At the same time, students and teachers long for on-site exchange, which often enables more diverse discussions and forms of collaboration. Increasing flexibility and individualization of learning are fostered by digital media and mobile devices. To ensure that the community feeling, synchronicity of learning activities and intensive discussions are not lost in the process, new concepts for the design of spaces on campus, of

The perspective of hybrid space broadens the view of digital media use by rethinking the linkage of physical and digital places. Ideally, hybrid learning spaces dissolve dichotomies such as online and offline, physical and digital, on-campus and off-campus, formal and informal, academic and non-academic, individual and collaborative learning by combining different spatial concepts. This results in new potentials for educational processes, but also new requirements.