klmproductions.net - Philly Joe

Description: Home page of Philly Joe, an alternative artist from Mesquite, Nevada. The artist Philly Joe writes and plays Smooth Jazz Fusion with a touch of Funk. Philly Joe plays guitar, bass, keyboards, and drums for all studio recordings. When he plays live with hi

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KLM Productions A Rock, Blues, Rap, and Smooth Jazz Experience... Listen Now! Kelly Joe Radio Welcome - August 2023 KLM Productions is a recording studio, record label, and music promotional company that specializes in promoting new original music.  Owner, Kelly Mulligan-Webster, a Music Promoter since 2002, started the company in January 2016.  KLM Productions currently manages and promotes the artists: David Major Webster, Midnight Sun, Average Joe and the Deplorables, Mesquite Blues Society (MBS), Philly

This free MP3 download is a Kelly Joe & The Skywalkers,  instrumental interpretation of the classic rock song, "Behind Blue Eyes", originally written and recorded by The Who.  This cover song was recorded in a Sonar Platinum Studio as a tribute to the original band.  This track is not for sale and is only available on KLMProductions.net.  The   instruments used in making this song are: a Brown drum kit, a Yamaha bass, a Fender Squire Strat guitar, and a Reverend guitar. This song consists of five studio tra
