kleinfeld-labor.de - Lab products directly from your specialised dealer | Kleinfeld Labortechnik

Description: You are looking for special lab products? Discover our wide range of laboratory equipment from all over the world as well as tailor-made customer solutions.

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There is a huge range of laboratory products. But how can you find the product you are looking for? For example, a centrifuge which is space-saving and highly efficient at the same time. Or a hose which is suitable for a specific chemical. Just leave it to us!

The Kleinfeld product specialists know the market very well. They have many years of experience and know-how. As a result, we only sell laboratory products from which we are convinced ourselves. Additionally, we only recommend those products that actually help you with your specific question and offer optimum benefit for your daily work.

Our range comprises about 5,000 articles which are available on short call. Just visit and enjoy our Online Shop.