- Kitchen Table Writing | Anne Randolph

Example domain paragraphs

The essence of Kitchen Table Writing is to allow the pen to guide.  Let whatever comes out of your hand, your pen, your heart—hit the page.  It is meditative, a time for praise, acknowledgement, gratitude; a time to sort out a challenge, or to describe the tree outside your window or the sky.  You are freeing the spirit and letting what needs to come through your subconscious by ink erupt onto the page.

Thursday Evenings Near University Hills (South Denver) Directions given after first sign-up On certain scheduled Thursday Evenings 6pm-9pm (3 hours) Pricing: $55 per session

Contact Anne online: Fill out the Message Form Email Anne:  ?mo 1684838171 c.gni 1684838171 tirWe 1684838171 lbaTn 1684838171 ehcti 1684838171 K@hpl 1684838171 odnaR 1684838171 ennA 1684838171 Call Anne: 303-758-3426