- Kingdom Conference – Jesse McCree Ministries

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Registration for Kingdom Conference is free, however we are asking those planning to attend to register so that we know how many people to accurately prepare for. To begin registration, enter the number of people you are registering in the Quantity box, then fill out the information for each person in the fields below. Then, when you are finished, click the Next button to complete registration.

Kingdom conference originated from The Lord spoke to Dr. McCree, saying, “ My Son, the popular messages of the Kingdom did NOT come from me. ” Read More

God showed Dr. McCree that His Kingdom is a people who live in Him, and He in them: they are the only men on earth who are truly walking in fellowship with Him. Dr. McCree was shocked at how men had taken the simplicity of the truth and complicated it with their ideologies, this led him to begin a series entitled The Gospel of The Kingdom . The Lord later spoke to Dr. McCree that the name of His Son had gone to the world, but the Truth of His Gospel had not. This sent Dr. McCree deeper into His Study, as we

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