- NSPM - Network Security & Policy Manager

Description: Open Source software for web-based management of system and network security policies and Iptables firewall rules

security (9558) linux (6729) network (6440) system (3698) policy (2539) filter (1447) firewall (1032) connection (651) iptables (24) netfilter (9)

Example domain paragraphs

NSPM is a free and open-source network security application whose mission is to help system and network administrator to establish, monitor and manage security policies and firewall access rules. Relying on popular and widely used GNU/Linux components such as Iptables for rules establishment and PHP for front-end interface and web-based system interactions, it can be installed as a standalone application on most personal, SOHO or company servers without exotic dependencies or intensive configuration. Develo

Used in a private production environment for three years, it currently goes though intensive testing before official stable community release.

If you are interested in the product, you are free to use it right now in its current relative stability and to send any feedback or bug report that may be useful to software improvement. I will be glad to hear any comment through forum, mail form or Google project page, thank you for your support and contribution.