- pressure transducers, torque converters, compression load cells, sensors, strain gages

Description: Kicher & Company measures mechanical strains through pressure transducers, strain gages, accelerometer, torque converter, load cells and sensors.

load cells (89) accelerometer (41) torque converter (34) pressure transducers (21) compression load cells (3) strain transducers (1) mechanical strains (1)

Example domain paragraphs

At Kicher and Company, we provide services in the use of strain gages, pressure transducers and sensors for measuring mechanical strains to monitor force, torque, pressure, strain, displacement, and acceleration.

Our experience has fostered the development of a unique capability to design, develop, manufacture, calibrate, and implement sensing devices and instrumentation for measuring mechanical strains.

Today, Kicher & Company provides a full service operation of product design, development and behavior exploration of aerospace, civil and mechanical devices and structures.