- Khiron Trauma Clinics - Treating the underlying effects of trauma

Description: Treatment for emotional and psychological trauma, stress and breakdown. Khiron Clinics is proud to be the first ever Polyvagal-Informed treatment centre certified by the The Polyvagal Institute

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Our mission is to help people who go round and round in treatment to find their path towards health and recovery. Khiron Clinics aim to be that change through providing effective residential and out-patient therapies for underlying psychological trauma, stress and breakdown.

Our Innovative programme of nervous-system informed therapies is advised by Bessel van de Kolk, Stephen Porges, Deb Dana, Janina Fisher and Licia Sky. 

Forty NHS clinical care groups and trusts have referred patients to Khiron Clinics. We accept private self-referrals and collaborate with insurance companies to try to support their policies. Our goal is to make treatment as accessible as possible for all. We pay for travel from anywhere in the world to our clinics. 

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