- Kersi F. Porbunderwalla | Just another WordPress site

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Is a consultant, teacher, instructor, researcher, commentator, and practitioner on GDPR, Corporate Governance, Risk Management, Compliance, and IT-security (GRC), Bribery, Fraud and anti-Corruption (BFC) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) issues.

Kandidat for Venstre til kommunalvalget 2021 i Lyngby Taarbæk Kommune

is the online training and certification masterclass module for conferences, courses, seminars, and workshops provided by The EUGDPR Institute, The Information-Security Institute and The e-compliance Academy. We help individuals’ associations and organisations to comply with the new era in Governance, Risk Management, Compliance, IT- and Cybersecurity, Data Protection, Privacy, GDPR, CCPA, CSR, ESG and related Regulation, Mandates and Directives.