- Keri Hendon

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For almost three years I have been planning a trip to serve in Bucharest, Romania, where my friend Debra Robbins is serving as a missionary. Finally in the fall of 2021, I was packed and ready to go to Bucharest but the trip had to be postponed last minute due to covid. I was disappointed but I also knew ultimately God had a plan and I had to hold loosely to my own plans.

When the invasion of Ukraine started, Debra's church, along with Romanians and others in the country leapt into action. They are providing tangible support to the people displaced because of the ongoing war. The people from Debra’s church and others have given so much of their time and energies to building a network of volunteers, drivers, translators, accommodations and more. There are so many moving pieces for these volunteers as they are being the hands and feet of Jesus to the refugees. With all of this

I will be flying out on April 5 to head to Bucharest for 6-8 weeks. As of now I am not sure the exact date I will be returning. I’ve bought a one-way ticket. As a planner letting go of my expectations is not easy but I know God is so good and He has ordained this path. I want to write out all the ways God continues to show up in His faithfulness for this adventure but until I have the time, I’m holding each reminder close to my heart as sources of strength when I feel weary.