- keras-adf: Assumed Density Filtering (ADF) Probabilistic Neural Networks — keras-adf 19.1.0 documentation

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Release v19.1.0 ( What's new? ).

keras-adf provides implementations for probabilistic Tensorflow / Keras neural network layers, which are based on assumed density filtering. Assumed density filtering (ADF) is a general concept from Bayesian inference, but in the case of feed-forward neural networks that we consider here it is a way to approximately propagate a random distribution through the neural network.

The layers in this package have the same names and arguments as their corresponding Keras version. We use Gaussian distributions for our ADF approximations, which are described by their means and (co-)variances. So unlike the standard Keras layers, each keras-adf layer takes two inputs and produces two outputs (one for the means and one for the (co-)variances).