- Kenny Glass Music

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In the 6th grade, after Dad retired from the Navy, we settled into a civilian community in Southern Alabama where I learned not only did Jesus love us, but that I could insert my name in John 3:16 to read: “For God so loved Kenny Glass, that He gave His only begotten Son, that if Kenny Glass believes in Him, he shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” I was a whosoever!

One day while walking from my Sunday School class to the church auditorium, God spoke to me in a very real way telling me He wanted me to follow Him. I don’t remember what the pastor spoke on that day, but I do know that when the time for the invitation came, I went up to the pastor and told him I wanted to ask Jesus to be my Savior. We prayed and I came away a new man in the Lord, a decision I’ve never regretted. Musical Background

Growing up in our house, music was just a natural extension of living. Mom played the piano (one that is still in her living room to this day). Dad knew a little guitar, and my older brothers played in the band at school. Several of Mom’s family played piano, one was even Liberace (today we might say Dino) caliber. Some of Dad’s family sang in quartets.