- kenji mapes – Nosce Te Ipsum. Welcome to my site where I muse, brood, wax, ruminate, rant, or do All of the Above. on a variety

Description: Nosce Te Ipsum. Welcome to my site where I muse, brood, wax, ruminate, rant, or do All of the Above. on a variety of topics. Hope you enjoy it.

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So as usual my hyperactive ADHD scatterbrain mind that goes off on tangents like the fissile core of an atomic bomb that bounces neutrons around in a chain reaction I was ruminating on various different but related topics. So your friendly neighborhood pal who pretends he’s a savant but is just a compelling [but lovable] idiot who feigns perspicacity, I thought I’d write a few tidbits about it in a post. As per usual I write in a stream of consciousness manner to keep it pure & devoid of self-censoring. So

Anyway…this is totally unrelated but in a roundabout way as a lead-in preamble setup that is an example for the sake of comparison & contrast..kind of…so in a lot of interviews, vlogs, etc a popular but non-politically correct, & possibly triggering or controversial question is “What is a woman?” The common & safe now requisite reply is saying “I’m not a biologist so I can’t give a good definition or answer.” So under this type of thinking changing your car tire without being a mechanic, choosing your cloth

If you look at the state of personal finance & investments, it’s fascinating & daunting area. Nonetheless it’s an area that is fertile for even the “ordinary” Joe’s & Janes’s of the world devoid of many of the barriers to entry that were so prevalent in the past. You can make a modest salary & still make savvy investments & have the ability to build a nice little nest egg with some heady returns. It’s no longer an esoteric world that is only for the “Old Boy’s Club” where the little guy has no chance. Of co