- Kelly Ann Lindsey

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Join Kelly Lindsey and Camilla Figueroa for a nourishing and invigorating week at Blue Spirit, one of the foremost world-class yoga and meditation retreat centers in Costa Rica. Perched on a hilltop that overlooks the Pacific Ocean and a three-mile long white sand beach– Blue Spirit offers an extraordinarily beautiful and natural setting for a deeply nourishing and unforgettable retreat experience.

Kelly’s meditative journey began more than twenty years ago and has included many different styles of practice and paths of study. Having received formal instruction in different lineages of Tibetan Buddhism and Classical Indian Yoga, Kelly has found a wonderful integration of deep practice and study realized in the context of everyday life.

All of the spiritual teachings she has received have culminated in one primary lesson: how to live in the world with an open heart. Her spiritual practice is inextricably connected to her daily life, as she brings together her roles of mother, meditation teacher, mind-body therapist, and entrepreneur. She’s found that the Buddhist teachings have provided an essential guide for how to live an authentic and meaningful life. She actively shares these teachings with those around her, through embodying them in h