- Tech Guides, Reviews and Ramblings

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Being a massive geek for longer than I can remember, I’m one of those people who has multiple internet connections at home. Thankfully, I also run the ISP who delivers these internet connections which affords me quite a lot of flexibility in how the service is delivered.

I have used pfSense for a number of years, recently acquiring a dedicated Netgate SG-3100 appliance . In the past, I’ve had a Cisco 887VA do the PPPoE and route IP addresses to my pfSense appliance. This has worked well but I noticed recently that the 887VA wasn’t able to route IPv6 as quickly as IPv4, so I decided to take the one (now two) VDSL modems straight into the Netgate and utilise PPPoE there.

Ordinarily, I’ve done simple load balancing in pfSense, using gateway groups and firewall rules to route traffic accordingly. This works well for IPv4 but doesn’t work well for IPv6 and has a couple of other small annoyances such as breaking sites which utilise sessions and so on. Easily fixed by pinning certain types of traffic to one particular gateway group with a primary connection and a failover connection. However, I thought I could go one better and wanted to achieve the following: