- Kehoe Electronics: Leading Innovator in Electronics Solutions

Description: Discover cutting-edge electronic components and custom solutions at Kehoe Electronics. Experience innovation and excellence in every product and service.

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Kehoe Electronics offers manufacturing solutions and custom design solutions for lighting, consumer, medical device, and industrial applications.

Kehoe Electronics offers manufacturing solutions to existing and potential customers within the United States, specifically on the West Coast. KE specializes in custom design solutions for lighting, consumer, medical device, and industrial applications. Kehoe Electronics is made up of five core women who bring a combined 70 years of manufacturing experience.

Throughout the years, Sarah Kehoe has had a mentor-ship with her Grandfather, spending considerable amount of time in China and leveraging relationships and really gasping the business. Sarah wanted to expand and learn additional corporate cultures and products helping spread her wings. In 2012, Sarah started Kehoe Electronics where she partnered with a handful of strong manufacturers that specialize in sub assy and box build systems. These same manufacturers are still in partnership with Kehoe Electronics