- 汶上县糠令科教设备有限公司

Description: 汶上县糠令科教设备有限公司教学设备;教学仪器;实训设备;教学模拟人;

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For our last day of the trip, we took the kids to the zoo. We didn’t research the area much, just knew we’d have enough time to spend a leisurely couple of hours there before casually heading towards the airport for our evening flight back to Guam. We were in for a treat, as the … Continue reading →

New Years’ Day Hatsumode at Meiji, cat cafe, Takeshita Street in Harajuku, Shibuya Scramble/Crossing, Sushi, and Karaoke. If just reading that makes you tired, then you can imagine actually doing it was…. yep, tiring! But totally worth it. Especially the 10% creepy/90% cool cat cafe. I can’t believe- given that list of stops- that I … Continue reading →

We have traveled to Tokyo before, but we haven’t actually seen Tokyo. Tokyo Disney, yes, Tokyo, no. This time around, we wanted to see the city a bit, balanced of course against the interests of our kids. Day 1: KidZania, Tokyo Bay, dinner at Ninja Akasaka KidZania: this is a place where you spend all … Continue reading →

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