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The Ohio Valley Experimenters Club (OVEC) is a USA HAM radio based non-profit organization dedicated to the education and experimentation of the HAM radio world. Our organization welcomes any licensed as well as non-licensed HAM radio operators at every meeting and event we hold through out the year. For more information about our organization please click About Us.

As members of a local ham radio club, we are always looking for ways to learn more about this fascinating hobby and to connect with other enthusiasts. The upcoming winter field day is a great opportunity to do just that, as it allows us to test our skills and equipment in challenging outdoor conditions.

We are especially looking forward to the camaraderie and friendly competition that comes with participating in the winter field day. It is a great way to meet new people who share a passion for ham radio, and to learn from more experienced operators. We are also excited to see how our own skills and equipment stack up against those of other participants. read more