kcuvee.com - Wine Education, Tastings, Seminars & Tours | Kcuvée

Description: Better understand wine & your own preferences with Kcuvée. Wine education, courses, seminars & tasting events for beginners to connoisseurs.

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The gift of education is priceless. Gift them something they’ll cherish forever with an experience they’ll never forget!

The journey of wine knowledge may be endless, but Kcuvée will be your favorite stop.

Fun, beautiful, informative and empowering, Kcuvée is a new kind of wine school: a first-person sensorium that will take your palate to the next level. Whether you’re looking to have a fun night out with friends and loved ones, entertain your clients, or simply have a curiosity to learn more about wine, Kcuvée provides an education that will unlock your palate and change the way you sip Shiraz and taste Tempranillo. All current courses are held at the beautiful Emeril Lagasse Foundation Kitchen House & Culi

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