kbsandersauthor.com - Home | K.B. Sanders, Author

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... we moved to New Jersey. Jenna was in 5th grade with a cluster of close friends she had known since she was 3, so this was an inherently difficult adjustment for her as well. Morgan was in kindergarten, so she was early in the friend-making stages, and Jacob was not yet 2, so things were easiest on them.

I spent evenings and weekends looking for a new home for our family. We had paid $71,000 for our home in South Carolina. A similar home in New Jersey would be in the $400,000-$750,000 range, depending on location. Yeah, we would be downsizing. And getting another fixer-upper...

The kids once had a giant backyard that was like a forest playground they referred to as ‘The Secret Garden.’ Now they had this tiny plot of grass with little personality. I was a questioning, doubting the decisions I had made over the previous six months.