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We’re nearly two-thirds of the way through the winter, and it’s time to start thinking about the good old days of summer. However, if you’re from the Northeast and moving down to Florida, you’re in for a rude awakening. Well, if you move there while winter is still in full swing, you might be in for a refreshing awakening.

One of the best things about the sunshine state, aside from the beaches and plethora of water activities, is that it has some of the most temperate winters in the United States. While the New England and Big Sky regions of the country are nearly frozen solid, Sarasota, Tampa, and Bradenton tend to see temperatures in the low to mid-70s. Continue reading to see how you can get yourself acclimated to the weather change you have in store.

As mentioned in the introduction, Florida has some of the mildest winters you could want to experience. It’s nice to be able to barbecue in your backyard in February without having to hover over the grill to prevent becoming an icicle. However, when the summer comes, the same climate that makes Bradenton a desirable place to be in the winter makes it unbearably hot in the summer. Plus, if the heat doesn’t get you, the humidity just might.