kaykays.com - Irish Born Chinese Blog - 愛爾蘭出生的華人的網上日誌

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Welcome to irishbornchinese.com 's blog. This is specially for IBCs (Irish Born Chinese) to post articles with regards to IBC's life in Ireland and comment on articles posted. The real reason for this site is that I wanted to bring together all the 2nd generation IBCs, either hang out, or chat on irishbornchinese.com's message board . Here you can talk about almost anything, fun places to be, games, music etc. In the future (or sooner) I would like to be able to link up with other overseas born Chinese foru

This causes problems, as pointed out by FT's article about the property prices in a massive rise.

Not sure about the great power, but definitely great responsibility to keep the HK economy from bursting.