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The Boston Harbor Islands are a wonderful place to explore by sea kayak! I have many found memories of exploring these islands with family and friends over the years. While growing up, my mom took us on excursions and camping trips to Georges, Peddocks and Bumpkin Islands; first by ferry and then by kayak when we were old enough. My appreciation for this special place reached a fever pitch during graduate school when I enjoyed paddling amongst the Islands of Quincy Bay from my “secrete” launch at Wollaston

Launch at Bathing Beach in Hingham Harbor

My mom and I decided to set out from Bathing Beach in Hingham Harbor where the parking is free and the water is a quick walk down the sloping, sandy beach. It was mid-day and the tide was just about low. The winds were light out of the Northeast and the skies were threatening a shower as we set our bearings for Worlds End. The first leg of the trip took us past Button Island on our right and then Sarah Island on our left before crossing a narrow channel. We took our first break in the shadow of Worlds End i