kauhale.yoga - Kauhale Yoga

Description: Christian yoga and meditation on Maui. Benefit classes held for Maui Rescue Mission, a non-profit connecting Maui's homeless to resources. All are welcome!

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Kauhale means “neighborhood or village” in Hawaiian. We are called to mālama our neighbors and care for our community. At Kauhale Yoga, your yoga practice supports our homeless neighbors.

A portion of proceeds are donated to Maui Rescue Mission , a 501(c)(3) mobile outreach bringing showers, laundry, and resource access to anyone experiencing homelessness on Maui. We also host regular benefit classes to raise funds for Maui Rescue Mission.

Whether you have been practicing for years, or you’ve never attempted a downward dog, you are welcome here. During classes you are encouraged to listen to your body and modify the physical practice to fit your unique needs.