kasparovchessfoundation.org domain details

Example domain paragraphs

Kasparov Chess Foundation Inc. is a non-profit educational organization supported by charitable donations from concerned individuals and corporate sponsors.

Learn chess strategies, tactics, openings, endgames, and more, at KCF Academy. Designed to transform chess enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels into formidable players, KCF Academy offers four distinct instruction levels to meet a wide-range of player abilities.   Learn more…

The Kasparov Chess Foundation, the Renaissance Knights Chess Foundation, and the United States Chess Federation, are pleased to invite girls from across America to play in the largest and most prestige girls only tournament in the USA; the 19th Annual KCF All-Girls National Chess Championship. The tournament is open to all girls under 18 years old as of January 1, 2024. Players will participate in the following categories: Under 8 years old, under 10, under 12, under 14, under 16, and under 18; sections. Le

Links to kasparovchessfoundation.org (11)